Shoulder Prehab

  1. SMR Lats (upper back) (can use foam roller, tennis or lacross ball) roll an inch or two per second until you find a tender spot then hold for :30-:40 seconds or 5-6 deep breathes – experiment with range of motion
  2. SMR pecs (chest) – same as above :30-:40 seconds per tender spot
    – experiment with range of motion
  3. Band Rotator Cuff external rotations (keep tricep pinned to body)
  4. Band 90 degree drive rotate press. 10 each slow bring elbow to 90 degrees walk forward until you feel tension on the shoulder then externally rotate your fist to the sky and press
  5. Mckenzie shoulder stretches – keep arm straight and drive it back and squeeze 10 times then right up as high as you can by bending your elbow behind your back 10 times ea arm